The Mars Planet Foundation helps to provide unique educational opportunities that teachers create by thinking outside of the curriculum parameters. These programs are not school funded programs and are often approved to provide benchmarks and potential to be included in future initiatives.
Learning Initiatives have developed:
The Foundation facilitates the management, selection process, and awarding of several Scholarships. In addition, we host the Annual Academic Awards to recognize the outstanding Seniors of the Mars Area School District.
We provide Grants to Teachers who are looking to enhance learning with innovative programs that are outside of the curriculum. Teachers can apply for a grant and submit for approval by clicking on the link below.
The Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program provides tax credits to eligible businesses contributing to scholarship organizations (including pre-kindergarten scholarship organizations) and educational improvement organizations, in order to promote expanded educational opportunities for students in Pennsylvania.
As a 501(c)(3), which is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt, charitable organization, Mars Planet Foundation will be able to apply for specific grants and other private and public allocations.
Mars Planet Foundation is governed by an eleven-member Board or Directors, including two Mars Area School Board members and nine community members.
Mars Planet Foundation Board of Directors will approve all major funding decisions, including all fund-raising and allocation of funds. Terms of office for the Foundation Board president, vice president, treasurer and secretary are for one year (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31).
The Foundation Board usually meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Mars Area School District Administration Office, 545 Route 228, Mars, Pa. 16046. All meetings are listed on the District Calendar.
Teacher Grants
School Board Representative
Two (2) community seats available!
Jennifer Antonio
Amanda Benniger
Helianna Galvis-Orr
Kevin Hagen
Tricia Holland
Bethany Ratcliffe
Lee Ann Riner
Robin Parsons
Doug Wolf
Dr. Samantha Flanhofer
Dr. Elizabeth McMahon
Dr. Travis Mineard
Mr. Douglas Skelly
The Mars Planet Foundation is looking for at least two new board members. Please click the link below to learn more and apply!